Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Trump and the fake interview

Last night, ego maniac met ego maniac as Elon Musk and Convicted Felon Donald Trump chatted up one another.  I think C.I. said it best in Hilda's Mix: "It was like THE TONIGHT SHOW with two Ed McMahons and no Johnny Carson."  Not many were impressed with the exchange/charade.  Lottie McGrath (NEWSWEEK) reports:


A social media post by author Stephen King criticizing the technical abilities of X (formerly Twitter) has taken off online.

In the wake of Donald Trump's interview with Elon Musk on X, which was plagued by technical difficulties, the duo's longtime critic, King, lost no time in hitting out at the Tesla CEO and X owner.

"Tech problems with Musk/Trump don't surprise me. Twitter is more f***** up than [Peter O'Toole] on his birthday," the author wrote. At the time of writing, the post has had over 300,000 views.

The post referred to the late English stage actor Peter O'Toole who gained international recognition for playing the titular role in the 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia and was known for his "hell-raiser" lifestyle.

The interview was a chance for Mr. Trump to reach inside and pull up all the hatred he has within.  Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert and John L. Dorman (BUSINESS INSIDER) report:

/"Here's what's happening: crime all over the world is down," Trump said. "And wait til you get t/he numbers that we have, you know, this is migrant crime."

The FBI's 2024 Quarterly Crime Report indicates violent crime is down 15.2% when comparing statistics from January through March of 2023 to the same period in 2024.

It was during the discussion of illegal immigration that Trump launched his attacks on his current political rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, who Trump has blamed for ongoing conflict and high rates of migrants crossing through the US-Mexico border.

Donald Trump offered nothing new, just delusions, paranoia, and lies.  It is hard to figure out how anyone saw him as inspiring in 2016 but impossible to see it in 2024.  He was the outsider then.  He still appears to be trying to run by presenting as an outsider and it just comes across fake.  You can feel the response rise in your gut: "You had your four years to do something and you did nothing."  In other words, that so-called swamp is not going to clean itself.

Many commenters on social media, including Musk's own X website, panned the spectacle, with many noting Musk had next to nothing to contribute to the conversation, simply agreeing with everything the slurring and rambling Trump said.

"This could've been an email," wrote the anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project.

"He's just repeating his rally speech punctuated by Musk saying 'yeah, yeah,'" wrote former Naval War College professor Tom Nichols.

Again, two Ed McMahons, no Johnny Carson.  

This is a Tweet from Paul Rudnick. 

This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for today:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024.  Election realities and a news tip for the useless Matt Taibbi.

A voting reform we support is Ranked Choice Voting.  FAIR VOTE notes:

Ranked choice voting (RCV) — also known as instant runoff voting (IRV) — makes our elections better by allowing voters to rank candidates in order of preference.

RCV is straightforward: Voters have the option to rank candidates in order of preference: first, second, third and so forth. If your first choice doesn’t have a chance to win, your ballot counts for your next choice.

RCV works in all types of elections and supports more representative outcomes. RCV means better choices, better campaigns, and better representation. That’s why it’s the fastest-growing voting reform in the nation.

Some day we might be able to use it across the land in our presidential elections.  That time has not yet arrived.  But while we don't yet have it in all states for presidential ballots, we do have it within our own decisions.  An election is rarely a single issue.  Iraq?  Yeah, I based my votes on Iraq.  We sent US troops into the country and we destroyed it.  Some people pretended to care -- including some in Congress -- but the US government just exhausted and distracted them which is why it's not an issue that US troops remain on the ground in Iraq to this day or that two died in Iraq last month.  

Some people, especially foreigners like Caitlin Johnstone, are trying to turn the US presidential election into a referendum on Gaza.  They then try to push Jill Stein as who you must vote for.  Jill Stein has been the Green Party's presidential nominee twice already -- yes, she is that old.  And the end of this week will likely demonstrate the lack of vision on the part of the national Green Party as she becomes their nominee for the third time.  The winner of the 2020 election, Joe Biden, got over 80 million votes.  In her best outing, Jill got a million votes (1.4 million).  She's not electable -- that's been made clear in all of her runs for public office throughout her many, many attempts.  She's off putting and it used to bother people that she was anti-vaccine.  

Jill's not going to win the election.  And if you're voting for her, your voting for a vanity campaign.  I don't say that about a vote for Chase Oliver (Libertarian Party) or Cornel West (independent candidate).  They probably don't have a chance of getting elected either but they are running real campaigns.  Chase, however, does have the best chance of anyone outside the Democrat and Republican parties because the Libertarian Party has put in real work over the years building a party (which includes not running the same failed candidate over and over).  Jill is a vanity campaign.  She only cares during a presidential election -- a problem for the national Green Party as well.

So when you her carping about measures and rules every four years, grasp that the three years in between were the time to work on changing ballot access rules, not when your months away from a presidential election.

Robert Kennedy Junior is another fake ass run.   

This is a political rule I didn't think we needed – if one of the first things voters think when they hear your name is, "Oh, a worm ate part of that guy's brain," then you're doing it wrong.

But Kennedy, in May, acknowledged to The New York Times that doctors did find that an actual worm "ate a portion" of his brain before dying. (The worm, not his brain. I think.)

As that worm turned, so did polling data for Kennedy, who has long coasted on name recognition and Camelot nostalgia as the nephew of an assassinated president and son of an assassinated presidential candidate.

Kennedy, who started his campaign as a Democrat before switching to an independent run, was polling nationally at nearly 20% last fall, according to a tally of polls compiled by RealClearPolitics. The RealClear average now puts him at just 5.5%.

More voters had held a favorable view of Kennedy than unfavorable, according to polls compiled by FiveThirtyEight, until mid-May, when that reversed on him for the first time. His unfavorable rating Thursday was nearly 8 percentage points higher than his favorable rating.

Kennedy presses on, unfailingly confident that he will win an election he will certainly lose. He seems impervious to recent news stories that have made him more of a punchline than a politician.

A quick run-down:

The New Yorker told the tale this week of Kennedy picking up New York roadkill a decade ago, a dead bear cub, with plans to skin and eat it that went awry, so he instead staged a Central Part scene to look like it was killed by a bicyclist. Kennedy tried to preempt the magazine by releasing a video of him telling the story to Roseanne Barr. As flexes go, this, too, was roadkill.

Kennedy claimed on election forms that he lives in New York, but his "residency" is a room in a house he started renting after the New York Post reported that he rarely visits the property. He now faces a legal challenge for his status on New York's ballot in November.

A former babysitter, in a Vanity Fair article, accused him of sexual assault. Kennedy responded by texting her this: "If I hurt you, it was inadvertent. I feel badly for doing so.” The Boston Globe asked if more women might come forward. "We'll see what happens," he replied.

Kennedy claimed on election forms that he lives in New York, but his "residency" is a room in a house he started renting after the New York Post reported that he rarely visits the property. He now faces a legal challenge for his status on New York's ballot in November.

A former babysitter, in a Vanity Fair article, accused him of sexual assault. Kennedy responded by texting her this: "If I hurt you, it was inadvertent. I feel badly for doing so.” The Boston Globe asked if more women might come forward. "We'll see what happens," he replied.

Junior has no chance of winning, it's a vanity campaign.  The same with Jill.  They're desperate for attention. 

Elections are about choices and they're about reality.  When the media attached the narrative of senile and too old to Joe Biden and he was unable to push back in his ABC interview a week after the debate, I joined the call for Joe to step aside.  Every week until the election, now that the narrative was in place, was going to be about has Joe completely lost it yet or not.  With the election a little over three months out, the only way to change the narrative was to change the nominee. It's about being realistic.

If you care about Gaza, you need to be realistic.  Donald Trump will not help the Palestinians.  You can see that in his treatment of Muslims in his previous term, in his relocating of the US Embassy, in his comments during this campaign.  

I don't know what Kamala's going to do.  I hear some YOUTUBERS say, "I believed Barack and I'm not going to fall for this again."  You believed Barack?  Strange.  I knew he was lying about Iraq and wasn't surprised at all.  Before he got the nomination, we were telling you that he wasn't going to keep his promise on Iraq -- and he didn't.  True, I met him when he was running for the Senate.  Elaine and I were thrilled that an 'anti-war' candidate was running.  We showed up at the big fundraiser willing to max out on donations and then we met him.  And then he told us that the US was in Iraq now so . . . He wasn't a peace candidate to be sure, but he wasn't an anti-war one either.

So you got that wrong because, frankly, you were stupid.  But that explains your faith in him, it doesn't explain your silence.  It doesn't explain how you willfully denied what went down.

Barack ended up doing some good things.  I can say that.  I have no problem with that.  But he was a huge let down on Iraq, he was a huge let down on unions, he was a huge letdown on Guantanamo Bay, -- go down the list.  

But so were you, The Cult of St Barack.  You refused to hold him accountable.  When the figures made him the deporter-in-chief, for example, you didn't rally around the immigrants, you attacked the sources calling him the deporter in chief.

So if you think today that Barack from January 2009 through January 2017 was a disappointment, you need to look at yourself, Cult of St Barack, and ask yourself what you did.  Because you enabled and encouraged all that followed the 2008 election.

Again, he did do some good things.  Many more than I ever thought he would.

But he wasn't a great president and big part of the reason why was The Cult of St Barack which refused to hold him accountable.

If Convicted Felon Donald Trump wins the 2024 election, there will be no way to pressure him on Gaza -- or anything else.  I have true excitement over Kamala's campaign.  I am donating, I am campaigning and I am voting for her.  She can beat Donald.  But a Kamala Harris presidency doesn't mean everything becomes perfect.  It means we work to make her address climate change, Gaza and all the other issues that matter.  And there is so much to be done.

Nothing's moving forward with Donald.  If he's re-elected, this country and the world will face even more nightmares.  Project 2025, for example.  

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org. It’s “War, Peace and the Presidency.” I’m Amy Goodman.

We look now at the far-right policy plan to overhaul the federal government, known as Project 2025. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is trying to downplay his connection to the plan. And last week, Kevin Roberts, head of the influential right-wing Heritage Foundation, postponed the release of his Project 2025 book until after the November election. The book’s foreword is written by Trump’s vice-presidential running mate, JD Vance.

Trump’s campaign insists it has no connection to the right-wing blueprint for immigration, almost a thousand pages long — a blueprint for immigration, reproductive rights, climate policy and more. But many of the key figures working for Project 2025 are former top Trump administration officials, some of them featured in newly released videos that were created for Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy.

In a major new development, the independent news outlets ProPublica and Documented have now published dozens of these videos, some of which we’ll feature today. In this clip, Trump’s former deputy chief of staff at USAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, Bethany Kozma, discusses climate change.

BETHANY KOZMAN: Climate change, allegedly, is everywhere. And if the American people elect a conservative president, his administration will have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere. And according to our intelligence community, the number one threat facing our country today is — drum roll — climate change — not Russia, not China, not AI, climate change. This shows how the federal government is all in on this issue. And climate change activists wield a lot of power. This is an issue to pay attention to, as it has infiltrated every part of the federal government.

Now, when I think of climate change, I immediately think of population control, don’t you? I think about the people who don’t want you to have children because of the “impact” on the environment. Perhaps not everyone will make that connection, but after spending time in the international space trying to protect life, I can tell you that this is part of their ultimate goal: to control people.

AMY GOODMAN: That’s conservative activist and former Trump official Bethany Kozma in a newly released Project 2025 training video.

For more, we go to Washington, D.C., where we’re joined by Andy Kroll, investigative reporter for ProPublica, whose new exposé is headlined “Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos.” ProPublica has posted the full 23 videos, totaling more than 14 hours of content, on its website.

Andy, welcome back to Democracy Now! Explain how you got the videos and their significance as we go through some of them.

ANDY KROLL: Yeah, the videos come from the Presidential Administration Academy, which is one of the main pillars of Project 2025. We’ve heard a lot about, you’ve talked about on this show, the extreme policy proposals that Project 2025 put out in its 900-page “Mandate for Leadership” document. What’s gotten less attention but is no less important to Project 2025’s long-term goal here is to train thousands of future political appointees, so that if a conservative president, which, of course, now means if Donald Trump — a conservative candidate wins in November and we have a Republican president, that there will be a bench of thousands of vetted and trained appointees who can go into the government and fill openings in that government, so that, as Project 2025 itself says on its website, that conservative administration can be ready from, quote-unquote, “day one.”

Now, these videos were provided to us by a source who had access to them. I won’t get into the sourcing on it, but with any kind of situation like this, the key things for us at ProPublica are: Are these videos real? Are they authentic? And are they newsworthy? Obviously the substance is newsworthy. In our reporting process, we talked to people who are in the videos. We verified them, authenticated them and fact-checked them ourself. And now we’ve published on them and, as you helpfully pointed out, also published all of these 23 videos, totaling more than 14 hours, on our website. Anyone watching today can go and watch them now.

AMY GOODMAN: Andy, if you can just give us some background again on Project 2025? Because, of course, President Trump has disavowed this, but, meanwhile, the director of Project 2025, Paul Dans, a former top adviser in Trump’s administration, has been forced to step down, and, of course, that book which is headed by the head of Heritage Foundation, which is behind this blueprint, is now — they are putting off the publication of this, with the foreword by none other than Trump’s vice-presidential running mate, JD Vance.

ANDY KROLL: The Trump campaign has clearly come to the realization that Project 2025 and the policies that it lays out are extremely unpopular. And it’s not really surprising to understand why. Just a few of those policies are, for instance, closing the entire Department of Education; further restricting abortion rights in this country, especially mifepristone, also known as the abortion pill; slashing Medicaid; and then, of course, reclassifying tens of thousands of career government employees so that they can be more easily fired and then replaced by more loyal, vetted political appointees chosen by the next conservative president, which, again, in this case would potentially be Donald Trump. So there’s a reason the Trump campaign is distancing itself from those unpopular policies: It is hurting their campaign.

However, as you pointed out and as we report in our story, the number of connections between Trump’s political operation in his administration from '17 to ’21 and Project 2025 are many. As we write in the story, of the 36 different speakers in these videos, 29 of them have a connection to Mr. Trump. They worked in his administration across the government — the White House, National Security Council, a number of departments, including Justice, Interior, Health and Human Services, Office of Management and Budget, Presidential Personnel Office, across the board. There are people who ran his 2016-'17 transition team, that led him into the first presidency, and, lastly, I would point out, the Trump reelection campaign spokeswoman, who sent us a comment reiterating, in their view, that there’s no connection between 2025 and the Trump campaign. She herself, Karoline Leavitt, actually appears in the videos that we posted on our site. So, it’s really impossible to say that there is some bright line here between Trump’s political campaign, his team, and this Project 2025 effort.

AMY GOODMAN: Andy Kroll, I want to play a series of clips that you have just released. This is another Project 2025 training video featuring Katie Sullivan, who was acting assistant attorney general at Department of Justice under Trump. In this clip, Sullivan says the next conservative administration will need to eradicate all equity plans.

KATIE SULLIVAN: I think you can expect that equity and all of the equity executive orders under Biden will be repealed early in the next administration. This is going to require a very detailed plan to execute the eradication of the dictates in the equity orders. For instance, there’s a gender adviser position created by one of these executive orders. That position has to be eradicated, as well as all the task forces, the removal of all the equity plans from all the websites, and a complete rework of the language in internal and external policy documents and grant applications.

AMY GOODMAN: And this is another Project 2025 training video, featuring Dan Huff, former legal adviser in the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump, laying out how political appointees should be ready to enforce dramatic changes and face blowback when they do.

DAN HUFF: If the next Republican president does not execute a dramatic course correction, there may never be another chance. So, if you’re not on board with helping implement a dramatic course correction because you’re afraid it will damage your future employment prospects, it’ll harm you socially, look, I get it. That’s a real danger. It’s a real thing. But, please, do us all a favor and sit this one out.

AMY GOODMAN: And this is another Project 2025 training video, titled “The Political Appointee’s Survival Guide.” It features Max Primorac, a former deputy administrator at USAID during the Trump administration.

MAX PRIMORAC: Now, in terms of a tip, survival tip, do not let career bureaucrats hinder you from advancing the president’s agenda. Keep in mind, you’re coming into a place, Washington, D.C., that does not share your conservative values. They’re even hostile to it, because you’re here to do something that’s not in their interest. They’re not going to be your friend, or they’re not going to help you succeed.

What are you doing? You’re here to cut government. You’re here to cut spending. You’re here to cut regulations. You’re here to stop the waste, fraud and abuse that’s going on. But a lot of careers have been made from that. A lot of money has been made from that. Fiefdoms have been built around it. So you’re going to get a lot of opposition here. It’s an entire industry of opposition, from lobbyists, professional associations, contractor groups and, disappointingly, faith-based organizations.

AMY GOODMAN: And finally, I want to turn to a Project 2025 training video featuring Alexei Woltornist, a former assistant secretary for public affairs at the Department of Homeland Security. In this video, he encourages future appointees to avoid mainstream news outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, instead take their message to conservative media.

ALEXEI WOLTORNIST: The American people who vote for a conservative presidential administration, they’re not reading The New York Times. They’re not reading The Washington Post. Actually, to the contrary, if those outlets publish something, they’re going to assume it’s false. So the only way to reach them with any voice of credibility is through working with conservative media outlets.

AMY GOODMAN: So, Andy Kroll, investigative reporter for ProPublica, if you can respond? This is just an excerpt of the videos that you have released, “Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos.”

ANDY KROLL: Yeah, I would pull out a couple of key points for your audience, Amy. I would say first that there is a level of extreme rhetoric in these videos, even down to the choice of words in these different clips. We hear the word “eradicate” a lot, and then we hear “eradicate” in the context of removing the word “climate change” from any federal government document that a future appointee sees. Obviously, that would not move the country in the right direction in terms of combating this existential threat that we face with climate change. You hear “eradicate” in terms of getting rid of policies that are responding to gender inequality, racial inequality. I mean, those executive actions that Katie Sullivan in the second clip discussed, those are things responding to the abuses surfaced by the #MeToo movement or the abuses surfaced, the injustices surfaced in 2020 during the racial uprisings then, as well, getting rid of all of those.

And then you have, with this last clip, the former DHS press secretary, you have someone basically saying, “When you get into government, just talk to conservative media. Shut out everybody else. I mean mainstream media, but just about everyone else, as well. Only talk to the people who you agree with, who like you.” That the audiences served by those conservative outlets are the only ones that matter, that’s not what a presidential administration, Democratic or Republican, is supposed to do. You’re supposed to serve the whole country. But clearly, that is not the advice that they’re getting in these clips.

AMY GOODMAN: It’s very interesting that they advise the right-wing administration not to leave a paper trail, yet they have left quite a video trail. As we wrap up, Andy, the most important takeaways at this point?

ANDY KROLL: Yeah, the most important takeaways, I think, for people watching are, the first time that Trump ran and then, surprisingly to many, got elected, his operation was very unprepared. They did not have a bench of people ready. There was chaos. There was confusion. And that set back that administration for perhaps months, maybe even a year or two into the Trump first administration. If he is elected again, that will not be the case. These videos have a lot of extreme content in them, a lot of eyebrow-raising advice, for instance, like don’t leave a paper trail, which you just referenced, but really what they are trying to do is prepare these thousands or tens of thousands of people to get in government and enact a pretty conservative, a right-wing agenda and be prepared and trained to do it from the moment that administration starts. That is different from before. And the voting public needs to understand that when they think about these two candidates, when they think about what that Trump agenda would be if he gets elected in November and takes office in January.

AMY GOODMAN: Andy Kroll, we want to thank you so much for being with us, investigative reporter for ProPublica, his new exposé titled “Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos.” ProPublica has posted the full 23 videos, totaling more than 14 hours of content, on its website. We will link to it.

Turning to Gaza . . . 

The UN Security Council is set to meet today to discuss an Israeli strike on a Gaza city school which killed more than 100 people last week.

Algeria called an emergency meeting following the strike on the Al Tabaeen school on August 10, which hit the school, sheltering more than 2,000 displaced people, as they gathered for morning prayers.

It said the request was supported by other members of the council.

Survivors of the strike described horrific scenes of the aftermath to The National, including blood and scattered body parts all around the remains of the school.

Israel claimed it had killed several dozen militants in the strike, a claim refuted by Palestinian civilians and authorities. 

Gaza remains under assault. Day 312 of  the assault in the wave that began in October.  Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion.  The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction.  But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets:  How to justify it?  Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence."   CNN has explained, "The Gaza Strip is 'the most dangerous place' in the world to be a child, according to the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund."  ABC NEWS quotes UNICEF's December 9th statement, ""The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Scores of children are reportedly being killed and injured on a daily basis. Entire neighborhoods, where children used to play and go to school have been turned into stacks of rubble, with no life in them."  NBC NEWS notes, "Strong majorities of all voters in the U.S. disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. The erosion is most pronounced among Democrats, a majority of whom believe Israel has gone too far in its military action in Gaza."  The slaughter continues.  It has displaced over 1 million people per the US Congressional Research Service.  Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Academics and legal experts around the world, including Holocaust scholars, have condemned the six-week Israeli assault of Gaza as genocide."   The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza is grows higher and higher.  United Nations Women noted, "More than 1.9 million people -- 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza -- have been displaced, including what UN Women estimates to be nearly 1 million women and girls. The entire population of Gaza -- roughly 2.2 million people -- are in crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse."  THE NATIONAL notes, "Gaza death toll rises to 39,929 with 92,240 wounded." Months ago,  AP  noted, "About 4,000 people are reported missing."  February 7th, Jeremy Scahill explained on DEMOCRACY NOW! that "there’s an estimated 7,000 or 8,000 Palestinians missing, many of them in graves that are the rubble of their former home."  February 5th, the United Nations' Phillipe Lazzarini Tweeted:


April 11th, Sharon Zhang (TRUTHOUT) reported, "In addition to the over 34,000 Palestinians who have been counted as killed in Israel’s genocidal assault so far, there are 13,000 Palestinians in Gaza who are missing, a humanitarian aid group has estimated, either buried in rubble or mass graves or disappeared into Israeli prisons.  In a report released Thursday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that the estimate is based on initial reports and that the actual number of people missing is likely even higher."

Lastly, e-mails to the public e-mail account  about 'poor' Trashy Garbage -- Trina's nickname for the hideous Tulsi Gabbard.  Oh, she was the victim!!!!  All her life.  Matt Taibbi is part of this because liars stick together.  Whatever Turlsi did or didn't do, we covered the ongoing investigation against her in our community newsletters.  And if Fatty Matty, that Uncle Fester looking piece of trash, needs a news tip -- go for the military records because that's where the investigation into Tulsi started and it started in 2023.  The e-mails I had access to began in September of 2023 and the USARMY Reserve USARC HQ were cc'd on them.  Tulsi's actions concerned her military supervisors so why don't you go digging there.


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