This is Patrick Martin (WSWS):
On the other hand, Brennan has emerged naturally as the chief spokesman of Trump’s ruling class critics. He is the former head of drone warfare for the Obama administration and the former chief executive of the organization of official assassins, thugs and professional liars known as the Central Intelligence Agency. As CIA director, he sought to block the Senate Intelligence Committee report released in 2014 documenting CIA torture during the Bush administration.
Brennan has a three-decade career with the CIA, where he served, among other places, as station chief in Saudi Arabia, before spending most of the past 20 years at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia or in the Obama White House.
Since leaving the CIA in January 2017, Brennan has cashed in on his intelligence career with a lucrative post as an “analyst” and commentator for NBC News. He has played a leading role in the campaign by sections of the military-intelligence apparatus, backed by the media and the Democratic Party, to attack Trump as "soft" on Russia. The aim is not only to impose a shift in the foreign policy of the Trump administration, but to create the framework for criminalizing domestic opposition and censoring the Internet.
As the Socialist Equality Party declared in the main resolution adopted by its Fifth National Congress, last month, both sides in the conflict, Trump and his opponents, are enemies of the working class:
The break with democratic forms of rule is accompanied by ferocious conflicts within the state apparatus. Each day the president spews his verbal tirades, while the Democrats expound their neo-McCarthyite fantasies of Russians “sowing discord” in America. There is nothing remotely progressive, let alone dignified, in the opposition to Trump mounted by the Democratic Party and sections of the media. They represent another reactionary faction of the ruling class. They oppose Trump mainly on the grounds that his foreign policy—particularly in relation to Russia—is undermining longstanding strategic interests of American imperialism.
It is notable that Brennan’s column in the New York Times, written in McCarthyite language, presents democratic forms themselves as the main weakness in a global struggle with Russia. Brennan writes: “Electoral politics in Western democracies presents an especially inviting target, as a variety of politicians, political parties, media outlets, think tanks and influencers are readily manipulated, wittingly and unwittingly, or even bought outright by Russian intelligence operatives. The very freedoms and liberties that liberal Western democracies cherish and that autocracies fear have been exploited by Russian intelligence services …”
Zach Haller notes:
I hope so. Mr. Brennan is a liar and should be in prison.
The new paradigm -
#CaitlinJohnstone suspended from Twitter-
-meanwhile Liberal Maverick Maddow interviews American liar-torturer John Brennan this evening.
The cards of the Propaganda Technopoly are on the table....
And it's getting harder for fools to ignore the obvious.
I never liked Ms. Maddow. She never knew what she was talking about on UNFILTERED. She also was not anti-war or pro-peace. She cheerleaded for the war and would never allow war resisters on the program. She was hideous then and she is hideous now.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for today:
I’m sitting in prayer for the wonderful golden spirit Aretha Franklin.
There is a bright FLAME about to go out , ONLY GOD KNOW WHEN Say a prayer and let her go -deep Breath
The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, is dead. She was a great woman, with a wonderful gift from God, her voice. She will be missed!
Aretha helped define the American experience. In her voice, we could feel our history, all of it and in every shade—our power and our pain, our darkness and our light, our quest for redemption and our hard-won respect. May the Queen of Soul rest in eternal peace.
The loss of @ArethaFranklin is tremendous. Her incredible style influenced the world of music in every form she touched from gospel to even opera. You can hear her impact on young artists today. We feel blessed to have known her as our contemporary & send prayers to her family.
Queen... My Queen.
Aretha, your music set a standard for every single lady in this industry to rise to. You have touched minds, hearts and spirits, including my own. I pray you have a smooth journey Ree Ree and hopefully I'll get to sing with you in the Heavenly choir. Love you #QueenOfSoul
We've lost a voice that will never be replaced. Deeply saddened to hear about the passing of my friend Aretha Franklin. May she Rest in Peace.
Rest Peacefully and in Power Queen. 

A great memory and room filled with love Photo December 2016 #tbt Aretha Franklin Christmas Party, Detroit, MI. My condolences, love and prayers……

- Rest in peace Aretha.
R.I.P. Thank God for allowing us all to witness his love, brilliance, musical magic and grace in #ArethaFranklin. We were always honored when Aretha would just show up at one of our concerts... without warning.
Hail to the Queen Of Soul!!
- Missy Elliott Retweeted
Rest easy #ARETHAFRANKLIN I imagine u in heaven performing & still making people souls move
this was my aunt favorite record #RockSteady you will always be the Queen of Soul you been that before many of us were born! Thank you for giving us LEGENDARY TIMELESS music 

.@ArianaGrande and @theroots honor Aretha Franklin with a performance of "Natural Woman"…
A lot of music left the earth today. The Heavens rejoice. Rest in heavenly peace. #ArethaFranklin #ISayALittlePrayer
.@ArianaGrande and @TheRoots perform "Natural Woman" in tribute to Aretha Franklin…
I treasured every moment that we spent together from working in the recording studio, to performing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, or simply hangin’ in the kitchen, & I will miss her dearly. RIP Ree-Ree...You will reign as the Queen forever.
From the time that Dinah Washington 1st told me that Aretha was the “next one” when she was 12-years old, until the present day, Aretha Franklin set the bar & she did it with the professionalism, class, grace, & humility that only a true Queen could...
: Hassan

Rest easy #ARETHAFRANKLIN I imagine u in heaven performing & still making people souls move
this was my aunt favorite record #RockSteady you will always be the Queen of Soul you been that before many of us were born! Thank you for giving us LEGENDARY TIMELESS music 

Aretha Franklin was truly one of the greatest singers of our time. She was blessed with a once in a lifetime voice. A blessing only handed down to a chosen few. I had the pleasure of……
Aretha Franklin had a heart as big as the sky. Her talent and fiery spirit paved the way for us all with her courage, respect and honesty. Every note she sang was true and an example of what it...…
This morning my longest friend in this world went home to be with our Father. I will miss her so much but I know she’s at peace. #QueenOfSoul
There Is One Amazing Thing....,
We Were All Inspired By Her Presence,Touched By Her Passing ....& She Will Never Be
Truly Gone From Us.
Legends Are 4EVER

I have never been able To listen to Aretha’s Recording Of Skylark without Crying. Even as I write
This,tears Flow

Aretha Franklin wrote "Integrity" and, more important, she lived it.
As the world suffers the loss of Aretha, Iraq continues to suffer.
Please join us TOMORROW at noon for a timely panel on Iraq moderated by @vmsalama of @wsj with @BilalWahab @majidyar and myself
Iraq: Political Parties, Protests, and Security Backslide - August 17th 2018 @HudsonInstitute
Grasp that for a moment.
THE NATION can't focus on Iraq? THE PROGRESSIVE -- don't make me laugh that rag's lost too many readers to focus on anything. MOTHER JONES? Soros money has ensured that every moment of every day is about Donald Trump. Please grasp, they give him their power with their obsession -- it's the same way the media did in the lead up to the election. They never learn.
So while we dither on the left, the right wing is focusing on Iraq.
We noted in yesterday's snapshot the plan being pushed by the War Hawks to impose benchmarks. Benchmarks didn't work last time. They won't work this time.
Last go round, the benchmarks were supposed to mean if Iraq didn't meet them, aid was cut off. But Iraq never met them. Aid was never cut off. A lot of outlets would say they made 'progress' but they didn't make progress and, more to the point, these benchmarks were supposed to be initiated immediately, not five years down the line.
The benchmarks were never met. The Democrats refused to demand they be met and they refused to cut off funding as they should have in 2007 and 2008 and 2009 and 2010 when Iraq was not meeting the benchmarks.
They did nothing and they were the 'opposition' to the Iraq War.
The benchmarks allowed the war to continue. They were a distraction -- a nothing offered to appease the masses -- and then they were forgotten.
In other words, your 'Auntie Maxie' is a fake ass. Grow the hell up.
The right's already proposing benchmarks. The Hudson Institute event will offer more proposals. And by refusing to participate in any dialogue on Iraq at all, the left surrenders the conversation to the right.
THE ECONOMIST notes today that "some 2 million Americans have served in Iraq and Afghanistan" in the current wars. Well get ready for that number to increase because the wars aren't going to end on their own.
Some are working to end the wars and that small list does include Cindy Sheehan. From her site, this is "Open Letter to the Pentagon from Women's March on the Pentagon:"
Open Letter to the Pentagon
Women's March on the Pentagon
August 15, 2018
Barbara Westgate
Director, Washington Headquarters Services
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1155
James C. Mattis
Secretary of Defense
The Pentagon
1400 Defense Pentagon,
Arlington, VA 22202
Women’s March on the Pentagon
PO Box 6264
Vacaville, Ca 95696
To Whom it May Concern:
The Women’s March on the Pentagon (WMOP) has been actively seeking a permit to hold a march and rally at the Pentagon on October 21st, 2018—in the exact same space that many pro-war groups have had rallies every year, for many years. As of the date of this letter, we have not even received an application for a permit.
We began the process on Tuesday, July 17th when six of us (undersigned) visited the Pentagon and finally were able to speak with an Officer “Will Smith” who claimed to be from the Pentagon “Office of Special Events.”
Officer “Smith” took our contact info and gave us his email ( address and assured us that if we emailed him, he would email us a copy of the permit application. Malachy Kilbride, the DC Co-ordinator for WMOP immediately emailed Officer “Smith” that same day with this email:
“William J. Smith,thank you for meeting with us today and advising us on the next steps for our First Amendment event on Pentagon grounds in October of this year. We appreciate your assistance in this regard.
As per your instruction, we would like to follow up on the next step by filling out and submitting the appropriate forms and documents for review by your agency.
Again, thank you for your work with us in this matter,
Malachy Kilbride,Washington DC Area Organizer,Women's March on The Pentagon”
We heard nothing back from Officer “Will Smith,” so a week later, (July 24) Mr. Kilbride followed up with this email:
“Dear William J. Smith,I'm following up on the email I sent last week in order to get the appropriate paper work regarding the permit.
Thank you,Malachy Kilbride”
Again, we heard nothing back from Officer “Smith” and in case it’s not obvious, it is very hard to contact anyone at your highly secure facility.
At this point, we correctly realized that Officer “Smith” was stonewalling us, so Mr. Kilbride called the Pentagon asking for Officer “Smith” and/or the Office of Special Events—-neither was listed at the central switchboard.
Mr. Kilbride finally reached a Lt. “Kim,” who would not confirm or deny the existence of Officer “Smith” but told us perhaps we should get in touch with Washington Headquarters Services.
This letter is to inform you that we are insisting on having a permit application sent to us via email at:
or via US mail at:
March on Pentagon
PO Box 6264
Vacaville, Ca 95696
We have been performing our due diligence and being respectful of the process to obtain “permission” to exercise our Constitutional rights to freely speak and freely, and “peaceably,” assemble (First Amendment). If we don’t receive this application by Friday August 24th, we will be forced to obtain the services of an attorney.
This letter is also to inform you that the Women’s March on the Pentagon is determined to march and rally against the US war machine, of which the Pentagon is the obvious and biggest representative of that, whether we obtain a permit, or not.
We are organizing for thousands of women and others to rally for Peace at the Pentagon on the date in question and it will be happening with your assistance or not. As veteran war protesters, we suggest that you notify the other jurisdictions in Washington, DC about our protest, since further stonewalling may force us into the other law enforcement jurisdictions that are in the Washington DC Metro area.
Ironically, we were informed by Officer “Smith” several times that he was in the military “20 years” to give us “the right to protest,” and this is the propaganda that the US war machine is constantly pushing to the world, so we feel it would behoove you all to accommodate this request to avoid the appearance of hypocrisy.
Thank you for your attention and we look forward to your assistance in this matter.
We will march and rally.
Cindy Sheehan
(Gold Star Mother of Casey Sheehan, KIA in Iraq 04/04/04)
National Director
Women’s March on the Pentagon
Bonnie J. Caracciolo
Women’s March on the Pentagon
Malachy Kilbride
Washington DC Coordinator
Women’s March on the Pentagon
Kevin Zeese
Advisory Committee
Women’s March on the Pentagon
Margaret Flowers, MD
Advisory Committee
Women’s March on the Pentagon
Paki Wieland
Steering Committee
Women’s March on the Pentagon
They have asked for a permit application. Where is it? Everyone should be asking that. This is not the normal permit process. The government is there to serve. What are they doing because they are not doing their job, they are not obeying the Constitution. They're not doing much of anything at all. While they sit on their asses, collecting our tax dollars, they refuse to work. This is outrageous.
Also sitting on their asses? Politicians in Iraq who should be forming a government. Elections took place May 12th. What's the hold up now?
This is the worst joke of 2018 re #Iraq
Too optimistic with these same faces!
It is the same faces, so it's not like they are new to the process. Is there a reason that they can't form a government?
While they dilly and dally, the Iraqi people grow less and less pleased with these politicians.
Many of the comments on the death of Dr Rafif al Yasiri, a female plastic surgeon and owner of Barbie Beauty Centre in #Baghdad, wish a politician had died instead of her. Quite telling!
The following sites updated: