It truly never ends with Hillary
Clinton. There is always an excuse for her 2016 loss and then another
excuse. You know it somehow never ends up being her fault.
So the latest news cycle finds that
Ms. Clinton’s campaign wasted FACEBOOK by not knowing how to properly
utilize it and that Donald Trump’s campaign knew what they were doing
and were able to get a bigger bang for their buck. Which has
led to more whining.
Clinton herself responded, “We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process. Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again ... We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.”
This sour grapes routine, which has become the norm for Clinton and her biggest fans, is as ridiculous as when Trump brags about winning the election. Clinton's people had access to the same information as the Trump camp. She's not a victim. If the Wired article is accurate, and there's discussion about whether the GOP candidate actually paid a lower “cost per 1000 impressions” price, it just means Trump's people did their homework. Just like they visited Wisconsin. Who's to blame for that?
The whining never ends. The Clinton campaign, like the candidate, was a mess.
Learn from it.
And stop blaming everyone and everything for your loss.
Hillary Clinton lost. It is on her. She needs to take responsibility.
She probably also needs to learn to let it go, that election was about 15 months ago.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for today:
Tuesday, February 27, 2017.
Starting with California and the race for the US Senate.
Starting with California and the race for the US Senate.
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I'm running for the U.S. Senate because you deserve a seat at the table.
Please join my campaign:
We have all benefitted from the labor movement. Period. Now it is our turn to stand with our brothers and sisters. This is the fight for quality of life and the middle class. This is the fight for America’s working families.
#JANUSvsAFSCME #1u #IChoosemyUnion
#CADem2018 California Democrats overwhelmingly supported me this wknd because they know I have led & won on:

And they know I will bring the fight to Trump @TheBeatWithAri
Kevin de Leon has a strong record on labor issues which is why he's already received endorsements from the following:
Teamsters Joint Council 42
ILWU Locals 13, 63 and 94
IATSE Local 80
SEIU California
California Nurses Association
UFCW Western States Council
And here's the SEIU endorsement in full:
Sacramento, CA – The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California today announced the 700,000-member union’s endorsement of Kevin de León to represent California in the United States Senate. The endorsement was announced after SEIU California members from across the state participated in the union’s One Voice Town Hall, where members met with the candidates, asked their questions, and then made their selection for the candidate they’ll support now through November.
“Kevin de León is a leader who speaks up for California values. His leadership on the most pressing challenges facing California stands in stark contrast with the dysfunctional political establishment in Washington, D.C.,” said David Huerta, Executive Board Member, SEIU California. “Kevin shouldered our fight for $15 minimum wage across the finish line, holds a strong record on environmental justice, and fought valiantly to protect our immigrant communities when the Trump Administration moved to openly attack them and divide families. He’s stood up for us and our California values again and again and now we are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder and endorse Kevin de León to be our next U.S. Senator.”
“Kevin de León took the time to meet with SEIU members and spent a day walking in our shoes. He heard our concerns over growing inequality, and we heard his commitment to stand with us to fight injustice. It’s clear that he shares our dreams: to build a state and a country where every one of our children has the same opportunities to thrive, no matter where they were born,” said Michelle Melendez, Child Care Provider and Member of SEIU Local 521.
“I am incredibly humbled to receive the endorsement of SEIU California. With SEIU members’ support, I am confident we can take the fight for our California values to President Trump’s doorstep in Washington, D.C.” said De León. “We must demand more of our elected leaders in Washington. Right now, it is clear they lack the political willpower to prioritize the issues we care on the floor of the U.S. Senate. It is time for new leadership that will fight tirelessly for fair and equal wages, a growing economy that generates good-paying jobs, and more opportunities for everyone. My whole life I have worked to defend our California Dream. That’s why I won’t be just another party-line vote in Washington. Instead, I will be the outspoken activist Californians need on the issues they care about most.”
Kevin is running for the US Senate. In June, California will hold a primary, the top two vote getters will be on the November 2018 general election for us to choose from. Let's do our part to make sure Kevin gets the fighting chance he needs so we can get the fighting senator we need.
May 12, elections are to take place in Iraq. There are claims floating around Arabic social media that provincial elections are being sidelined (until December) but that the parliamentary elections will take place May 12th.
Hayder al-Abadi wants to have a second term as prime minister.
Because he's done such a bang up job?
Today in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, over 45 million people need aid.
That’s more than the population combined of:
-New Zealand
-Hong Kong
45 million is also more than the population of Iraq, just saying.
Who gets rescued in Iraq?
Who gets protected?
Not the people.
WATCH: Two lions rescued from zoos in war-torn Iraq and Syria are being flown to a sanctuary in South Africa
A lion from Iraq (and on for Syria) heads off to a sanctuary. But there is no sanctuary for the people of Iraq. Or for the four million Iraqi children in need of aid.
Lions rescued from zoos in Syria and Iraq’s war zones are safe after arriving in South Africa
Well at least Hayder defeated ISIS, right?
Uh, no.
NRT reports:
Islamic State (ISIS) militants
launched two attacks against Iraqi forces and Hashid al-Shaabi in south
and west of Kirkuk late on Monday (February 26).
NRT reporter in Kirkuk, Aso Ahmed, said
ISIS militants attacked Iraqi Federal Police and Hashid al-Shaabi in the
village of Albu Mohammed in Daquq district, south of Kirkuk.
The reporter added casualties of the attack remained unclear.
ISIS militants also attacked Iraqi
federal police and Shia paramilitary in Najati village in the district
of Hawija, west of Kirkuk.
NRT reporter said six members of the
Iraqi forces and Hashid al-Shaabi wounded during clashes with ISIS
militants transferred to a hospital in Dibis district in northwestern
And Fazel Hawramy (AL-MONITOR) reports of Kirkuk:
Many distraught families in Basra were startled to learn that IS could still stage such a daring raid in an area that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared "liberated" in early October, and there were loud calls for a thorough investigation into the incident. How this group of PMU fighters fell into such an ambush and why no backup arrived on the scene to help them is not clear, but an investigation is underway and the government has launched an operation to clear the area of IS sleeper cells. It is not clear if this deadly attack is seen in Baghdad as a wakeup call to do something about the growing power of the IS militants in Hawija, which — on top of Erbil-Baghdad tensions — could bring further instability to the area.
Cindy Sheehan discusses ISIS in the video below.
And at a time when he's further angering the Kurds.
With @HaiderAlAbadi decision to extend banning international flights to Kurdistan, collective punishments, blocking constitutional budget share, militarizing disputed territories,Kurdish parties will remember these in post elections in Iraq & in supporting any candidates.
Kurdish official says Kurdish parties will remember @HaiderAlAbadi's sanctions against Kurdistan region during election period. "Kurdish parties will remember these in post elections in Iraq & in supporting any candidates"
On the topic of elections . . .
Al-Haya Newspaper: Question of continued US presence in Iraq likely to be brought before Iraqi Parliament soon. In run up to elections, politicians want Iraqi PM to clarify number of US forces & their mission, & if there is an agreement for them to stay.
In an effort to embarrass Iraqi PM & make US presence a major election issue. Many political parties want US out of Iraq.
The US government kept Nouri in power to keep US troops in Iraq. The same thinking is behind their continued support of massive failure Hayder al-Abadi.
The May elections will require campaigning which may make it difficult for Parliament to raise the issue of US troops but, if it can be raised before the election, it can be used as a vote getter. The majority of Iraqis want the US out of Iraq.
On elections, FAIR's Adam Johnson makes a good point.
which raises a whole new question & one liberal imperialist should take seriously: At what point in the US perma-occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, NE Syria should these countries participate in our Presidential elections and get some representation in Congress. Year 20? Year 100?
The following community sites -- plus Jody Watley and PACIFICA EVENING NEWS -- updated:
That blame game from you know who
9 hours ago
Those awful Olympics
9 hours ago
The Spurs and the Olympics
9 hours ago
Don't ask the child
10 hours ago
It really is the new Watergate
10 hours ago
I'm for Kevin de Leon
10 hours ago
The moon
10 hours ago
She's got an ointment for that
10 hours ago
10 hours ago